web service:-

A web service is

  • Language Independent.

  • Protocol Independent.

  • Platform Independent.

  • It assumes a stateless service architecture.

  • Scalable (e.g. multiplying two numbers together to an entire customer-relationship management system).

  • Programmable (encapsulates a task).

  • Based on XML (open, text-based standard).

  • Self-describing (metadata for access and use).

  • Discoverable (search and locate in registries)- ability of applications and developers to search for and locate desired Web services through registries. This is based on UDDI.

Key Web Service Technologies

  • XML- Describes only data. So, any application that understands XML-regardless of the application's programming language or platform-has the ability to format XML in a variety of ways (well-formed or valid).

  • SOAP- Provides a communication mechanism between services and applications.

  • WSDL- Offers a uniform method of describing web services to other programs.

  • UDDI- Enables the creation of searchable Web services registries.

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