C# Static:-

  • C# includes "static" keyword just like other programming languages such as C++, Java, etc.
  • The Static keyword can be applied on classes, variables, methods, properties, operators, events and constructors.
  • However, it cannot be used with indexers, destructors or types other than classes.
  • The Static modifier makes an item non-instantiable, it means the static item cannot be instantiated.
  • If the static modifier is applied to a class then that class cannot be instantiated using the new keyword.
  • If the static modifier is applied to a variable, method or property of class then they can be accessed without creating an object of the class, just use className.propertyName, className.method Name.


```C #
public static class MyStaticClass
public static int myStaticVariable = 0;

public static void MyStaticMethod()


Console .WriteLine("This is a static method.");

public static int MyStaticProperty { get; set; }

class Program

static void Main(string[] args)


MyStaticClass .MyStaticMethod();

    MyStaticClass.MyStaticProperty = 100;




This is a static method.


In the above example, MyStaticClass is a static class with static variable, method and property. All the static members can be access using className without creating an object of a class e.g. MyStaticClass.MyStaticMethod().

Static method can only access other static items.It is also possible to have static members in non-static classes just like a normal class. You can instantiate non static classes using the new keyword as usual. However, the instance variable can only access the non-static methods and variables, it cannot access the static methods and variables.

For example, consider the following myNonStaticClass with mix of static and non-static methods:

Example: Static members in non-static class

public class MyNonStaticClass
private static int  myStaticVariable = 0;    
public static void  MyStaticMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("This is static method.");

public void  myNonStaticMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("Non-static method");

In the above example, MyNonStaticClass can be instantiated and access the non-static members. However, you cannot access static members. The following figure shows the debug view.

Non-Static method

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