Static Constructor:

A static or non-static class can have a static constructor without any access modifiers like public, private, protected, etc.

A static constructor in a non-static class runs only once when the class is instantiated for the first time.

A static constructor in a static class runs only once when any of its static members accessed for the first time.

Example: Static Constructor in Static Class

public static class MyStaticClass
    public static int myStaticVariable = 0;

    static MyStaticClass()


        Console.WriteLine("Inside static constructor.");


    public static void myStaticMethod()


        Console.WriteLine("This is static method.");


    public static int MyStaticProperty { get; set; }


class Program


    static void Main(string[] args)

        MyStaticClass.myStaticVariable = 400;

        MyStaticClass.myStaticMethod();// = 300;

        MyStaticClass.myStaticMethod();// = 200;

        MyStaticClass.MyStaticProperty = 400;




Output :-

Example: Static constructor in a non-static class


Inside static constructor

In the above example, we instantiate MyNonStaticClass three times but the static constructor got called only once when it instantiated for the first time.

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