What is MVC (Model View Controller)

MVC is an architectural pattern which separates the representation and user interaction.

Model - The Model represents a set of classes that describe the business logic i.e. business model as well as data access operations i.e. data model. Model represents the real world object and provides data to the View It also defines business rules for data means how the data can be changed and manipulated.

View - The View represents the UI components like CSS, jQuery, html etc. It is only responsible for displaying the data that is received from the controller as the result. This also transforms the model(s) into UI.

Controller - The Controller is responsible to process incoming requests. It receives input from users via the View, then process the user's data with the help of Model and passing the results back to the View. Typically, it acts as the coordinator between the View and the Model

Today, this pattern is used by many popular framework like as Ruby on Rails, Spring Framework, Apple iOS Development and ASP.NET MVC.

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