What is HTML
Common lists that are used when designing a page
What are Semantic Elements
What is a marquee
How many tags can be used to separate section of texts
How to make a picture a background image of a web page
What are empty elements
What is the use of span tag
What is the use of iframe tag
What is canvas in HTML5
What is SVG
What are the different new form element types in HTML 5
Which video formats are supported by HTML5
What is the difference between progress and meter tag
HTML figure tag
HTML Details Tag
If I do not put will HTML 5 work
Differentiate between Canvas and SVG
What are the various tags provided for better structuring in HTML5
What are the various elements provided by HTML 5 for media content
What are the new features in HTML5
What is local storage concept in HTML 5
How Can be add and remove data from local storage
What is CSS
What are selectors in CSS
How can you apply CSS style using ID value
CSS box model
Can you explain some text effects in CSS 3
Difference between display none and visibility hidden
What are the limitations of CSS
In how many ways can a CSS be integrated as a web page
What is Java Script
What is the difference between undefined and not defined in JavaScript
What is DOM? What is the use of document object
Difference b/w local storage and cookies
Lifetime of Local storage
How Can be add and remove data from local storage
Is JavaScript Case Sensitive
What are different Data-Types of JavaScript
Java Script OOPs
What is an Object
What are different two ways of creating an object
What is scope variable in JavaScript
Give an example creating Global variable
How to achieve inheritance in JavaScript
What is closure in JavaScript
What is prototype in JavaScript
JavaScript with Alert popup Example
Retrieve the value of a DIV element with ID “FullName”
Retrieve the First Name from Full Name
JavaScript Closures
What is Bootstrap
Explain why to choose Bootstrap for building the websites
What are the key components of Bootstrap
What are the types of layout available in Bootstrap
What is column ordering in Bootstrap
Bootstrap 4 Grid System
What is JQuery
What can you do with jQuery
What is $(document).ready() and pageLoad()
jQuery Selectors
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What are the different new form element types in HTML 5
Different new form element types in HTML 5:-
Following is a list of 10 important new elements in HTML 5:
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